You: Version 2
Recently I was listening to a Jody Moore podcast and I heard her say something that really resonated with me. She said she likes to think of herself like an iPhone, always evolving into a new version of herself.
She said that in about two sentences and then went on to something else, but my mind just took off on that idea and started thinking of about a million applications for it.
As we all know, there is always a new version of the iPhone in progress. We’ve come to expect regular updates, upgrades, and changes. Smartphone technology has come so far since the early days when we were all so thrilled to be able to get email and do our banking on our phones. And yet we all expect that it will continue to blow our minds for years to come. It’s pretty cool to think about how we can apply that same sort of thinking to our own lives.
Think about the intentionality that goes into creating each new version of the iPhone. Designers and developers are thinking years ahead of time about what could be possible with future versions of the iPhone. They allow themselves to dream and create beyond the point of what is currently possible, beyond what anyone knows how to do because those things haven’t been done yet!
What if we applied that same intentionality to creating the future version of ourselves? What if every year or two we could do some minor, and occasional major, upgrades?
What would you want to create in your life in the future? What kind of changes excite, motivate, and inspire you when you think about them?
This is going to sound crazy but I just recently got better at kitchen cleaning. After trying for years, I finally eliminated the junk pile on my kitchen counter and learned how to make my kitchen sparkle after I’m done cleaning. Ok, it doesn’t exactly sparkle, but for the first time in my life I’m really happy and satisfied with how it looks after I clean it. Even though kitchen cleaning is something so easy for some people, it’s been an area I’ve worked on “upgrading” for years. One of my friends came in one day and actually commented that she’d never seen my kitchen so clean. #victory
For you, maybe you want to level-up by cutting down on clutter and getting more organized. Maybe you want to develop more patience or have more energy. Maybe you want to be more present and less preoccupied when you are with your kids. Some people dream of huge things like selling the house and traveling around the country in an RV for a year. What if you simply want to worry less and enjoy life more?
I actually made a decision earlier this year that I wouldn’t worry and I wouldn’t hurry. Holy cow, can I tell you how much that has cut down on my stress?! Whenever I find myself worrying over
things I can’t control, or rushing to get to an appointment, I just say to myself I don’t worry and I don’t hurry. Worrying doesn’t solve problems and hurrying doesn’t get me places faster. That one little phrase that redirects my thoughts has been a game changer for me!
What is something you could start doing or thinking today that your future self would thank you for?
A while back I met a man who owned several apartment buildings around the university where I live. I rather enviously said he must be so glad that he bought them when he did 25 years ago. His answer really struck me. He said it was hard then too, just like it is today. He said, “Sometimes you have to stick your neck out to do something, but yeah I’m glad I did it!”
Do you feel any nudges to “stick your neck out” to do something new?
There are probably as many answers to this as there are moms out there, but I think all of us instinctively know some areas that we would like to change and improve. Beyond that, we all have some big dreams of things that just sound so fun and fulfilling. Some of those things are
probably things you’re too embarrassed to tell anyone, and that’s totally ok. Some things seem impossible and way out of reach, and maybe like they are only possible for other people but not you. I’m here to tell you that anything is possible for you, and to encourage you to hold on to those dreams and ideals. Ask yourself if there is any way to move in the direction of those dreams, even if you can’t do all that you want to right now.
It took me almost 30 years to get my real estate license and become an agent because I was busy raising kids for 25 years. The time and season in my life just wasn’t right. But during that time we were able to get our feet wet with buying and selling some rental properties, and doing some flips here and there as opportunities came along. In the end, the long lead time turned out to be a huge advantage because we had personally bought and sold over 25 homes before I became an agent. That saved me so much time and made it so much easier to pass my licensing exam. And I was able to hit the ground running and start making money right away after I got licensed.
Just like me with my desire to get my real estate license years before it happened, we all have a spirit inside of us guiding us, and encouraging us to take the next step in our lives. That spirit never nags, shames, or makes us feel discouraged or overwhelmed, and like we're not doing enough. I think those kinds of feelings come from others outside of ourselves, and our own inner critic that we all have. When you consider the next version of you, try to silence those other voices and listen to your heart’s desire. Be patient with yourself and with life, and know that change takes time, but let yourself imagine what you can create in your life given enough time!
Now, you know I had to say it...these changes start in our minds. It’s changing the little negative, nagging thoughts into encouraging and helpful ones. Recognize those negative thoughts that are limiting you, acknowledge them, and then decide what you want to think instead. Think like an iPhone creator and don’t let yourself be limited by your current ideas about yourself and what’s possible for you today.
Decades ago Apple became famous for its advertising slogan, “Think different.” That’s what I want you to do. It doesn’t even have to be drastically different, even the smallest upgrade in your thoughts can lead to huge improvements over time.
What is the next version of you? What do you want to upgrade, change, or accomplish? Are there features that you want to “phase out” of the next version of you?
Do yourself a favor and pause right now before you finish this blog post and give yourself 5 minutes to think about the next version of you. It might be harder than you think to come up with ideas. I’ve been thinking about it for a while, and I have some big dreams and some little goals too. I want to build this blog and improve my real estate business. I want to enjoy the last year of having kids at home, without worrying about next year when we will be empty nesters.Maybe I’ll dedicate more time to my yard and finally plant the flower garden I’ve always wanted, or take a dream trip to the Pacific Islands.
It’s really exciting to think about what’s possible with some time and intentionality!
Whatever you are thinking or dreaming of right now is totally possible for you. God gave you your heart’s desires for a reason. He will help and guide you every step of the way as you try to change and evolve for the better. Trust Him and trust your instincts, and prepare to be amazed at how life will open up and change will come.