Hi, I’m Rachel!
I’m a wife, mom, grandma, Realtor, blogger, certified life coach, and a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I’m pretty much obsessed with all things home and family, but I came into marriage and raising a family with basically no idea what I was doing. Luckily, I’ve always had a pretty ridiculous level of optimism and a willingness to learn.
What I’ve learned over the years is that a positive mindset is a mom’s best weapon for dealing with all the crazy that comes along with family life.
Generally speaking, moms create the tone, feeling, and environment in the home. We’re the planners, the schedulers, the emotional support, and the cheerleaders for everyone in our families. Whatever the mom is thinking and feeling has a huge influence on the family. What I want to teach you is how to think and feel intentionally so you can show up as the best version of yourself as a mom.
It’s a lot to handle sometimes, but you truly can create the home life of your dreams without having to change your husband, your kids, your neighbors, or your dog!
About Mom Mindset
Mom Mindset coaching covers all aspects of home and family life: marriage, money, motherhood, and especially mindset. You can schedule a private coaching session anytime.
Our blog is full of resources on a wide range of mindset topics including money management, home organization, enjoying motherhood, and much more.
The Mom Mindset Show is the podcast for moms who want to create a home and family life they love in all ages and stages of motherhood. Listen in on your favorite podcast app.
What is Life Coaching?
Life coaching helps you identify what’s going on in your own brain. When you feel unable to get the results you want or feel frustrated with your life, coaching is the answer. A life coach can help you recognize where you’re stuck and show you exactly what needs to change when you can’t see it yourself. A life coach is like the best friend who will call you out when you’re showing up in a way you don’t want to, give you tough love, and believe in you way before you may be able to.
They help you create the exact life you’ve always wanted.
You can be coached on absolutely anything. At The Life Coach School, we use a coaching model created by Brooke Castillo, which shows you the exact steps you need to take to make a permanent change. The Model is proof that solving your problem doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, it lays the solution out right in front of you.
When you decide to work with a life coach, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you get unstuck and start changing your life in ways that will blow your mind. You’ll start to understand your brain and why you’re doing what you do without having to beat yourself up to make any kind of change.
You’ll discover your true potential and begin to notice amazing results.
Whether you’re being coached directly during a private session or listening to others being coached on a group call, listening to the application of the Model will help you experience life-changing breakthroughs.
You can bring an infinite number of topics to a coaching session. You may seek coaching when you are ready to overcome any obstacles you are facing to get unstuck and grow to uplevel your life.
Courtesy of The Life Coach School