(Bonus Thanksgiving post) What will you be thankful for next year?

Mother and daughter making a heart with fingers

I know it’s officially the Christmas season and most of you have put Thanksgiving out of your mind until next year, but since Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday I wanted to do a bonus post inspired by a question I heard last week. After I read the question I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I hope it resonates with you too.

At this time next year, what will you be thankful you spent time on during the next 12 months?
— James Clear (Author of Atomic Habits)

I love any kind of thought that helps me live more intentionally, and I felt like this question was a really good one to share with this community. Planning ahead and thinking about gratitude in advance is a really powerful way to set intentions for the future. I also think that the question is empowering because it asks what you want to spend time on that will give you even more to be thankful for in the coming year.

There are so many ways to apply this as a mom. I have a few thoughts and suggestions, but before I share them I just want to encourage you to use these ideas only as inspiration. No mom needs more on her plate or any more pressure to “do more.” 

If you decide to invest time in something a little more consciously for the next 12 months, try to do it in a spirit of gratitude, not from a place of guilt or the sense that you’re not doing enough and need to improve. Can you promise me that you will do that? Ok cool...then read on and I’ll share my ideas about some things that any mom can do that will bring more gratitude, joy and satisfaction to life in the next 12 months. All of these things might require some changes in your thinking to be able to accomplish them, so I’ll include some new thoughts that might help too.

Be sure to read to the end to see what I am going to be thankful for next year!


Find a time each week to forget the kids and spend some fun time together. It doesn’t matter if it’s short, even if it’s just watching a movie in your room or going for a walk. Or maybe you really want some time away with just the two of you. Even one night away can be a great thing for your marriage. I promise the kids will survive without you. :) Whatever you decide to do, nurturing your marriage is an investment that will pay big dividends well into the future. 

If you’re thinking there’s no way we have time, money, or ability to make this happen, recognize those limiting beliefs and challenge them. If you want to invest more time into your marriage  you absolutely can! You don’t even need to get your spouse “on board.” Just start to look for little ways that you can connect and take the initiative to make it happen. Plan some fun, simple dates or go crazy with a big celebration. Just make something happen!

If you’re doing great with dates and you want something else to bless your marriage, another suggestion is to avoid criticism and finding areas to compliment and encourage your partner whenever you can. Criticism is the great relationship killer, compliments and encouragement give life to your marriage and every other relationship!


What could you do as a mom that you’ll thank yourself for next Thanksgiving?

  • Maybe it is being more present and less preoccupied when you’re with the kids. 

  • Maybe it is working on being more calm when the kids start pushing your buttons. 

  • Maybe you want to work on one particular kid relationship that is strained right now. (Remember that doesn’t mean trying to change your child, just the way you interact with them.) 

I’m sure there are many things that come to mind, but just remember that through small and simple things great things come to pass. Maybe all you need to change are your thoughts about yourself as a mother, or your thoughts about your kids. How’s your self-talk about your role as a mother? If it needs work, that would be a great place to focus your efforts over the next year.


What small thing could you do with your money that you’d be glad you did by next Thanksgiving? Something super powerful is just to work on your mindset about money. Stress doesn’t pay the bills, but developing an abundance mindset will do wonders to help you face the future with confidence. Even if you have a lot of debt, or money is just really tight, believe that you will figure things out and that everything will work out just fine.

Financial security almost always comes with time. Just doing the basics of getting a good education, budgeting, and avoiding unnecessary debt, will eventually get you to a good solid place financially.

Whether your budget needs work, or just your thoughts about your money, giving some attention to this will definitely give you more abundance to be grateful for next Thanksgiving.

Home Management

My very best advice for making your home more manageable is to simplify everything by getting rid of stuff you don’t need. In every area of your house ask yourself if you want to continue to have a relationship with the stuff in that space. Having a relationship means washing it, drying it, storing it, putting it away etc. With your time for your kids being so precious, stuff can really become a burden if you have more than you need and can manage.

This could for sure be a whole different blog post, so I’ll log that away and talk about it at some point. One resource I absolutely love is the Minimal Mom videos on YouTube. I’ll link to her channel below so you can check it out if you need ideas on how to simplify your home.

Health & Fitness

I think I just heard you sigh when I brought this one up. I think we are all well aware that we could benefit from eating less and moving more. But really, if there was just one small, simple, realistic thing you could do that you would be thankful you did at this time next year, what would it be? 

If you want to do something in this area, I really encourage you to keep it small. I see so many moms working themselves half to death trying to fit into their pre-baby jeans or their wedding dress, and it can easily take the focus off your most important priorities. Trust me on this one, I’ve been there! 

Taking walks with your kids and keeping up with the housework is honestly a pretty decent amount of movement. And if you eat some of your kid’s dino chicken nuggets for lunch, it’s fine. Just make sure you have Chick-fil-a sauce with them!  (Did you know they sell that in stores now?!)  I’m just kidding, but seriously, just do your best and give yourself lots of grace in this area. Anything you do should be with the aim of making you feel good by nourishing your body with good food, and exercise that invigorates, rather than exhausts you. Being a mom takes a lot of physical and mental energy, you’ll do yourself a favor if you don’t spend the best energy of the day in the gym!

My best advice here is just get outside with the kids. Kids are easily entertained doing anything outdoors from swinging on swings to going on a super hard hike. My kids and grandkids have always loved feeding ducks and throwing rocks in the river by our home. Sunshine and fresh air are the quickest way to lift everyone’s spirits and boost your energy level.


I was going to stop at 5 things, but I just have to say this one thing. If you do only one thing this year that you will be grateful you did, could I suggest daily prayer? Prayer is a mom’s best friend to help you get through all the challenges of mom life. 

I learned this when my first baby was born and I had no idea what the heck I was doing. I started praying often in all the little moments when I felt like I was in over my head, and somehow I made it through the little kid years. I’m still working on the teenage years, but I’ve learned that there is really nothing else like the peace that comes through prayer. 

Even the simplest of prayers when you’re losing it with your kids can help you regain your calm. Probably nothing miraculous will happen, but I promise you will always find the strength you need when you need it. 

God loves moms and your help is never more than a prayer away. 

I hope these ideas give you some food for thought. (Thanksgiving food pun intended.:)  

Gratitude is such a powerful, positive  emotion. Thinking about being grateful for something in the future can be a great motivator and help you get inspired to do simple things that will make life better. 

Here’s what I’ve decided to do that I know I will be grateful for next year. I’m going to listen to my “shoulder angel” more often. You know those little cartoons that have the shoulder angel and the shoulder devil competing for someone’s attention? I really think there is some truth to that. I’ve noticed that when I am thinking about something like overeating, overspending, or maybe if I want to take the time to help someone or not, the little voices in my head start pulling me in two directions.

It always makes me think of this part of the movie The Emperor’s New Groove….

My shoulder angel, usually says things like Let’s not eat that. You don’t need to spend money on that. Or, Stay a little longer and help clean up after the church dinner.

My shoulder devil usually says things like A little bit won’t hurt. You have the money. Or, Someone else is in charge of this dinner and they will figure it out.

So for the coming year I am going to listen to my better angels more often and follow through on the good thoughts they send my way. I’ve already started this practice and it’s been really fun when I think of it as shoulder angel and shoulder devil. I even gave my shoulder angel a name to help personalize her a even more. (It’s Jo in case you’re wondering.:) I always like to make things fun to help me enjoy the journey of self-improvement.

I’m very grateful for all of you in this community and I’m sending you all the love and good vibes for a happy holiday season. I hope you have fun and don’t kill yourselves trying to be super mom this Christmas!




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