12. Be your own life coach
In this episode I’ll share the self-coaching model created by Brooke Castillo and taught at The Life Coach School. You’ll learn to separate the facts of your life from the thoughts you have about them. When you know how your thoughts impact your feelings and actions, you become empowered to intentionally create the life you want instead of constantly reacting to the people and situations that come up in life.
Knowing and using the model can help you solve any problem, set and reach goals, and live your dreams.
Here’s the model-listen to the episode for more details and see the link below to download practice sheets so you can run your own models anytime.
C-Circumstance: The facts of the situation. Circumstances are neutral. We give meaning to them with our thoughts.
T: Thought: The sentences in our head about the people and situations in our lives. Thoughts create our feelings.
F: Feeling: Emotions that come from a chemical reaction in our bodies created by our thoughts. They are called feelings because we feel them in our bodies.
Action: The things we do or don’t do because of our feelings. Generally positive feelings create positive actions and negative feelings create negative actions.
Result: Results are created by our actions (or inactions) and always tie back to our thoughts.
Access the free Self-Coaching Model Worksheet by clicking here.
Mentioned in the episode:
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Email: rachel@mom-mindset.com
This podcast is produced by the one and only Samuel Benson.