Can you do just one more thing?
As we come to the end of this year I wanted to share one more thing with you. It’s a simple mindset tool I adopted a couple months ago that has really helped me accomplish more and be more intentional as I go throughout my day. I heard this from Lisa Woodruff of the Organize 365 podcast and it’s called “one more thing”.
The basic idea is that I always ask myself if there is one more thing I can do before moving on to the next thing, or even before I fall asleep at night.
That phrase “one more thing” may have already made you sigh or roll your eyes. Who needs one more thing to do right? But hear me out because I promise you will be amazed at how powerful this one little question can be for your home and even for your relationships.
For example, before I leave the bathroom I’ll ask myself if there is one more thing I can do to tidy up before I go. I might wipe off the baseboard that I noticed is dusty and has some hair stuck to it. (Sounds gross but I lose a lot of hair y’all!) Or I might straighten the bath mat, change the hand towel, or even just put away a stray bobby pin that’s sitting on the counter. You’d be surprised how little things like these can leave the bathroom nicer than you found it. And next time you walk in your brain will almost unconsciously feel a little better about your surroundings.
There are a million examples of how to do this around your house, and it can become overwhelming to ask yourself this question too many times. One thing can lead to another, and soon you’ll be up cleaning the whole kitchen at 11:00 p.m. when you were just going to do “one more thing” and empty the dishwasher while you finished your TV show. But guess what? You’ll be so glad you did it when you wake up to a clean kitchen in the morning! Whether you do the whole kitchen, or just put all the stray water cups in the sink, leaving a room better than you found it gives you a sense of accomplishment that really lifts your spirits.
Another way I love to use this is in my interactions with my family. I try to keep asking myself, what is one more thing I could do for my husband before I head out the door to do my errands or go show a house to a client? Saying I love you and giving him a kiss takes less than 15 seconds but it is affirming and life-giving for both of us and our relationship. If you really want to be extra, you could always give your husband a 15 second kiss lol. That’s almost an akwardly long kiss, but he will probably love it, and it still only takes 15 seconds. ;)
If you want to apply this idea in your relationships with your kids, just keep asking yourself what is one more thing I could do for my baby, child, or teen, before they take a nap, leave for school, or head out to work? (Or whatever the situation may be.)
Could you read one more story or hold them close a little longer before bed?
Give some words of love, encouragement, or support?
Ask about their plans for the rest of the day or give them a hug?
Can you stay up late and make them mac-and-cheese or pancakes when they come home just because you know they love those things? (Talking to myself here. I’m not one of those moms who can stay up half the night waiting for a teen to get home from a date!)
When you start asking yourself, what’s one more thing I can do for my loved ones today, you’ll be surprised at the ideas that come to you that are super simple but have a lasting impact. Send your mom a text, take a short walk with your teen, sing your baby a song, or push them in them in the swing for a few extra minutes. These kinds of things will bring joy to both of you and help you bond in small ways everyday.
Honestly, I love this concept so much I can’t even tell you. The only secret is you have to try not to drive yourself crazy because of course there is always one more thing to do. But if you think this thought with the intention of doing one more helpful, productive, or loving thing for your home or your family, you will create a positive energy that will make it fun and lift your spirits. And when a mom lifts her own spirits, it’s contagious to the people around her!
As I write this it’s the last day of 2021. If you happen to be reading this today, ask yourself what is one last thing I can do this year to give a sense of closure to this year? Even just a prayer of gratitude, or writing down a few of the highlights from the year, can bring a beautiful sense of peace and contentment to end your year.
If you’re reading this another time, ask yourself, what is one more thing I can do today to bless my house or the people that live here? And of course you can apply this to yourself too! What is one more thing you can do for you today that you will be glad you did? Even something as simple as drinking one more glass of water or giving yourself a few minutes to read before bed can feel really good and end your day on a high note.
Will you try this with me? What is one more thing you can do right now to add some joy to life, some order to your surroundings, or to share some love with your family or friends?
For me writing this blog post today was my one more thing for 2021. This blog was a decade in the making so I’m very grateful that in 2021 all the pieces came together and I had my daughter’s help to finally get it off the ground. (Better late than never, right?) I have so much more planned to help you change your mind and create more of the life you want. And it all comes down to simple little mindset shifts like the one I’m talking about today.
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